chris nakayama


I strive to be a 'full-stack unit,' capable of independently executing on all aspects of building a new product or feature from start to finish, having put in time in product, growth, design, and software roles. By handling each part of a process, I cut unnecessary communication and connect each step internally, avoiding awkward handoffs between teams or individuals and outputting more cohesive work at a faster rate.


A lot of really smart people choose to work in early-stage startups, despite knowing that statistically they’re likely to work harder, earn less, and still fail. By nature, people are risk-averse and prefer certainty at the cost of expected value. So, when someone decides to become a founder or an employee at a fledgling startup, it's either because they 1) have a strong understanding of expected value and believe the opportunity is worth the risk, or (more likely) 2) they have personal motivations that draw them to the industry.

I’m drawn to early-stage startups because it feels like every day counts. Whether you’re a team member, founder, or anyone else involved, you have the power to change the course of the company. I value the freedom that comes from knowing the only parties who can truly tell you you’re doing something wrong are your current and potential customers. I love the chance to practice my skills, improve, and put them to the test in real time—almost like a sport.

Every day counts, the stakes are real, and I think that’s an awesome way to spend my time.


Here are some of the most recent projects that I've had the chance to be a part of, handling development and design.